Un Viaje a México
So, Lindsey and Jonathan came into town this week and we decided to take a quick trip down to Ensenada. Although I've been to Mexico many times, I have never driven through the country - so I was excited about the adventure! Our trip was complete with the consumption of carne asada tacos and churros, the enjoyment of "La Cucaracha" played by a Mariachi band and the purchase of a $5 Mexican-made blanket.

The best part of the day was when the Mariachi band came to our table to sing a song. We knew they would want us to pay them so Jonathan pulled out two dollars. They finished "La Cucaracha" and asked if we'd like to hear "La Bamba". After we agreed, the upright bass player quickly mentioned that each song would be $4. Rip off! If you've ever been to Mexico, you know you have to barter with the locals so I quickly said in Spanish, "No, two dollars per song." The men were not happy and they could see Jonathan was considering giving them more - so, they began pestering him. The accordion player urged him to pay more by bumping his shoulder repeatedly and saying "come on, come on." But, Jonathan stood his ground. The man was so upset that he decided to try a new tactic - intimidation - he turned and barked loudly in Jonathan's face. It was the strangest thing I've seen in a long time ... but we definitely got a good laugh out of it after the unsatisfied men finally left.