Friday, May 08, 2009

schneider home update

Yay!! I'm back on my blog again :) Thought it would be fun to start blogging about married life and all the adventures we are having in ministry and in our new home. So here it is ...

We mowed our lawn for the first time last week! Very exciting. It was quite overgrown and for awhile was a breeding ground for massive amounts of crane flies. It was gross. But our friends gave us a lawn mower (thank you!) and Nic chopped down our mini-forrest :)

The most exciting discovery in our yard is a tomato plant growing in a crack on the backside of the house! We have no idea how it is growing there ... already has two tomatoes growning on it ... we're wondering if there is anyway to transplant it.

Here is the forrest of our backyard right now. It needs some attention. But one of these days we'll have some friends over for a "help us clean up our yard day" :) I did work on the pomegranate tree and it is flowering really beautifully now. It makes me proud!

We found out Simon LOVES avocados. We have a tree in the far corner of the backyard and if we let him out there he won't come back for 15-20 minutes. He goes exploring and eating the avocados that fell on the ground. We also discovered the rats are eating some of the avocados on the tree :( You can see their little teeth bites. But, we managed to gather our first harvest from the tree for ourselves and they are just ripening this weekend. Yum!