Sunday, September 30, 2007

my little simon

My dad burned some bread on the barbeque last night, so he threw the burnt pieces into the bushes in the backyard. This morning, my mom noticed that Simon was way up in the bushes eating something. She kept calling him into the house but he would not come in . . .

I just got into bed and found burnt bread crumbs everywhere.
Apparently he enjoys "dining" on my bed sheets :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

i thought this worthy of re-posting

"I'm thoroughly convinced that God is perfectly capable of helping each of us finish what he has called us to do. And I firmly believe that he will move us beyond enduring to enjoying, beyond surviving to prevailing, if we are willing to do a little learning." -- Bill Hybels

a little quote in honor of tonight

"I'm an early bird and a night owl.
So I'm wise and I have worms."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

shane and shane

I bought SHANE & SHANE's new CD last week. At first, I wasn't a big fan ... the songs were not ministering to me the way others have. But, I have played it over and over (and over) this week and I'm slowly falling in love. I'm really appreciating the lyrics, the depth of their songs and their beautiful harmonies.

I found some commentary that's worth sharing:

"...they are worshipful, reflective, reverent and poetic. Their blend of songwriting, instrumentation and heart makes Pages more than just another CD. It is an experience.”

"...their latest album represents a leap in quality… Always honest, always profound, Shane Barnard and Shane Everett make the kind of music that Heaven savours.”

“Enveloped by the double-Shane yearning vocals that are as rich as they are melodic, their usual acoustic passion drips from every lyric and guitar strum, but this time we get a little more alternative aggression than before."

It makes me want to listen to it right now!! I want to sit with each one of you and "experience" the album with you :) The first song is called VISION OF YOU and the chorus says "Awaken what's inside of me. Tune my heart to all You are in me. Even though You're here, God come. And may the vision of You be the death of me. And even though You've given everything, Jesus come." ... beautiful. There is an interesting song called EMBRACING ACCUSATION about the truthful accusations of the devil. The song builds and builds until the end when it redeems itself - the song is truly an experience. And the entire album ends with a song called WOUNDED, which is followed by a final instrumental piece called HEALED ... beautiful once again.

FYI: You can sample some of the songs on their website.
FYI2: Shane Barnard & Bethany Dillon are engaged - crazy!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

dave matthews

Supposedly there has been some controversy over a recent Dave Matthews video. I happened to stumble upon the video (called "Eh Hee") on iTunes as it was a free download last week ... and I was disgusted. I'm disappointed that iTunes chose to offer it as a free download. Please don't watch it (the preview will suffice) - you will be disturbed not only by the "darkness" of the video, but also by the lyrics. Dave is trying to be clever, but he deliberately slams God and Christianity ... I thought about putting all the lyrics on here but I just don't want to ... he basically claims that the devil has more names than God and makes references to evolution like:

Strange evolution how people have come to believe
That we are it’s greatest achievement
We’re barely, we’re just a collection of cells
Overrating themselves
Hello God I’m avoiding the truth

Many are questioning whether the video is mocking a well-known YWAM drama called Marionettes. Most believe it is an obvious parody of the drama as he pretends to be a controlled marionette while singing about God, the devil and evolution. If it is a parody, I wonder how he was ever exposed to the drama. Maybe he secretly sneaks into YWAM events because he is so hungry for the Lord!! I was shocked by the final lyric of his song - Hello God I'm avoiding the truth - um, yes you are ... and you are admitting it. Interesting. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

happy wedding!