Friday, August 24, 2007

heard this morning

ROBBIE: (from the kitchen) How come nothing in our house is real?

ME: (from my room) uhhh, what do you mean?

ROBBIE: The burgers are Garden Burgers, the bacon is soybean bacon, the juice is like water and our waffles are now 99% fat free.

ME: (... long pause ...)

ROBBIE: Yesterday I made a quesadilla on a whole wheat tortilla.

ME: (still no reply)

Friday, August 03, 2007

bring in the bagpipes

My parents, grammy and uncle officially left for Scotland this morning. They will be visiting the country through a group tour and finishing off the trip with a trip to grammy's home town of Ayr, Scotland. Before leaving, my dad informed me that he bought another memory card for his camera ... he now has the capacity to store 1200 photos ... so, I will have plenty of photos to choose for my next post! :)