Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just watched West Side Story for the 3 billionth time ... it never gets old

Stay back! [Maria takes the gun] How do you fire this gun, Chino? Just by pulling this little trigger? How many bullets are left, Chino? Enough for you ... and you?!? All of you ... you all killed him and my brother and Riff. Not with bullets and guns ... with hate! Well, I can kill too because now I have hate!! How many can I kill, Chino? How many ... and still have one bullet left for me? [Maria kisses Tony's lips] Te adoro Antone.


At 12:44 AM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Very sad, I know, but I still haven't seen West Side Story. I'm so saddened, in fact, that I have (seriously) scheduled an urgent appointment to watch it next weekend. I will give you my thoughts (perhaps its own post) on what I think of it.


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